Microsoft ads agency

Get started with us on Microsoft advertising solutions and increase your reach with a Microsoft Ads agency

Microsoft ads agency
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#Bing Ads#Microsoft Ads#Search Ad#Audiences#Display Advertising

The Microsoft ads network in France, it's 372 million searches made per month!

The advertising network integrates the search engines Bing, Yahoo and AOL. Our team of Microsoft ads experts will help you understand the specificities of this advertising network and optimize its benefits.

Control your geographical exposure

Control your geographical exposure

With Microsoft ads, you can increase your global presence or only local, depending on your choices!

Duplicate your Google ads successes

Duplicate your Google ads successes

If you already use another product (Google Ads for example), you can easily import your campaigns into Microsoft Advertising.

Significant advantages

Significant advantages

The reach of the Microsoft ads network is more than 372 million requests per month!

A potentially more interesting ROI

A potentially more interesting ROI

The Microsoft ads network accounts for more than 14.8% of the market share of computers in France. CPC and CPM are less important but users are mostly CSP ++.

Our beliefs also make the difference!

There are many opportunities for growth through leverage, but you need us to make sure you don't miss out. We believe that you need to combine three levels of expertise with a Microsoft Ads Agency:

Microsoft is an evolving network with several differentiating products compared to Google.

Microsoft ads allows you to target professionals with the integration to the Linkedin network.

Microsoft allows to reach users of new alternative search engines.

We are stronger by our actions!

Our leadership has a very advanced track record in media buying on the Microsoft Ads ecosystem

Etienne Alcouffe

Etienne Alcouffe

CEO & Founder

Etienne Alcouffe is CEO and Founder of Junto. He works with CEOs, Marketing and Head of Growth Directors throughout the USA and Europe, deploying Junto’s new offerings, particularly those related to Growth Strategies, Inbound Marketing, CRM and Ecommerce.

Aline Debas

Aline Debas

Consultante Search, Display & Vidéo

Our quality department

Skill score updated every month and is above 90%.

Quality reviews with the consultants every week:

  • Implementation of new advertising products
  • Strategic decisions

Growth roadmap established at the beginning of the partnership with key objectives for the year, semester and three-month period

Structured as a trio with a senior consultant and the operational director to bring in strategy elements

Microsoft recognizes us!

Independent Microsoft Ads agency with the highest growth of investments under management

Close collaboration with prestigious brands and Microsoft ads teams

Microsoft ads certifications and follow-up with dedicated contact

BtoC and BtoB companies, SaaS and Ecommerce platforms, they speak better than us about our expertise

Companies that want to establish their brand via Microsoft ads as Instant Gaming

Companies that want to establish their brand via Microsoft ads as Instant Gaming

DNVBs like Bandit Paris that want to scale their media plan

DNVBs like Bandit Paris that want to scale their media plan